Friday, February 29, 2008


Thanks, Griffiths, for the yummy enchildadas!!

SO great to see former students & friends, Josh & Chelsea!

Thanks for my CUTE turtle halloween costume, Pastor Jim & family!

Thanks for the loving, Miss Brenda, & Mommy & Daddy loved all the food!
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

"sweet Caroline..."

So, the clue to guess her name was "Red Sox." And after all the guesses were in (including Babe Ruth, Coco Crisp, Manny Ramirez, Yaz, and Tessie) - the winner & ONLY person to guess her name was..... Brian Gleitz! (pictured here)

"How'd he do it?" you might ask. Here's a glimpse into Brian's brilliant mind in his own words:

"I was thinking red sox's ....
Big papa? No.
Coco? No.
Manny? Heck no.
Jack (Bauer or Shepard)? No, but might have been if baby was a boy.
Then I thought Fever Pitch, the movie, and my favorite song from that movie...
Sweet Caroline Wha wha wha
Then I remember Marc is from South Carolina
I could eliminate Jackie b/c it is taken by the Cat
Put two and two together and you get: Caroline Corbett!"

Congratulations, Brian!
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it's true...

Mommy & Daddy keep telling me I'm eating them out of house and home, and they're surprised I hardly ever spit up!

I can't help it! Babies need to grow, right?

So, at my first doctor's appointment this morning, I weighed 8 lbs 15 oz!!! I'm already ahead of schedule-- I've gained all of my birth weight back PLUS 6 extra ounces in only 9 days!! But just saying that makes me hungry again...
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pray for megan...

A few days after she came home from the hospital, Megan has come down with something called Bells Palsy, which has left the entire right side of her face paralyzed. Apparently it is a condition that is common with pregnancy as well as high stress levels, but it can take up to 6 months to fully recover. She is on medication to treat it, but she has to wear an eye patch to keep her right eye shut because it won't open and close voluntarily. (it's no fun to go out in public looking like a pirate, right?) We are thankful that she seems to be in good spirits about it all, but pray that she'll recover quickly. Also continue to pray that God would grant her comfort and peace, and give her a renewed sense of strength to continue to love and care for Brayden. We'll keep you posted...
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Monday, February 25, 2008

new arrival!

Caroline Elizabeth Corbett was born at 11:48am on February 18th in Arlington, TX. She weighed 8 lbs 9 oz & was 20" long. She was EXTREMELY alert her first hour, and here she is just minutes after her birth! She was awfully quiet when she was born, and when the nurses seemed to be getting a little nervous about that, she let out the cutest little tiger "roar!!!" Then, almost in perfect rhythm, came 6 more! She had everyone in the room laughing, and one of the nurses said, "I've never heard anything like that!"

loved before she was born...

proud Daddy...

she's finally here! we are so excited!
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some favorites from day 1...

This girl had better get used to flashing lights & cameras! In her first hour of birth, there were 5 cameras on her!!

Only Megan & Amy could go into the nursery, so Marc is looking on lovingly through the glass after Caroline had just gotten her first bath...

My eyes had never seen anything so beautiful...

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unexpected joy in open adoption...

When we decided that adoption was God's calling for us, we never realized that not only would He bring us a precious child to love, but a dear friend in Megan, her birthmother. Here we are after stuffing ourselves with mexican food the day before Megan was going to be induced!

wow-- thank you, Megan, for letting us be apart of such an amazing moment.

Giving Megan a gift basket full of goodies, including a special bracelet that I'm helping her put on here...

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1st Lord's Day...

Yes, the first Sunday of our daughter's life, she was in church. (even though she slept through the entire thing!) :)

Oldest & youngest: Caroline- 6 days & Catherine- 83 years!

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meeting the RUF students!

Everyone getting their first glimpse of me after RUF!

Thank you, ladies, for your wonderful help!
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When we pulled into Lubbock, our RUF students welcomed us home!

They printed & framed some of our favorite pics & left flowers, too...
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