The roads are finally clearing up around here (this was a couple of days ago, but you can still imagine all the snow on the ground & piled up along the streets). It'll definitely be a "White Christmas" here!

So last night Mommy & Daddy got out of the house & had a little Christmas shindig with the pastor (center) & assistant pastor (on right) of Redeemer Pres. (Redeemer is the church that is planting our church!) & their wives. Good times!

Oh, and thank you, Great Grandma Nancy (birthmommy Megan's grandma) for sending me a great book & a puzzle! I have asked Mommy to read the book about 20 times since getting it yesterday! When we get to the end of it, there's a girl sleeping in a bed & I like to point to her brightly colored cheeks. So now the conversation usually goes like this:
Me: Paci!
Mommy: No, sweetheart. That's her cheek. Big girls don't need paci's to go to sleep.
Me: Boys paci's.
Mommy: No, big boys don't need paci's either. Only babies need paci's.
Me: Babies paci's.
Mommy: Are you going to be a big girl soon? (our plan is to get rid of the pacifier in mid-January after all of our traveling is over...fun times ahead, I'm sure!)
Me: (depending on my mood at the moment, sometimes I actually say "Yes.") ha!

Thanks, Great Grandma. The bubble wrap was pretty cool, too.