Wanna get a peek into my world these days? Here's a few clips...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
sharp top...
This weekend I (Amy) enjoyed an overnight getaway with the other two pastors' wives at our church! This gave Marc some much needed Daddy-daughter time. (not to mention some much needed Mommy-away time) :)
Would you believe THIS is one hour from my house?!?
After dinner, we enjoyed the lodge and had a wonderful time talking on the porch all evening. We took in the GORGEOUS sunset, watched all the BATS come out and fly around at dusk, sat under a sky full of STARS after dark as a herd of deer walked by. No internet. No cell phone service. No TV. So refreshing!
This was the view from our room. (I love the reflection in the water!) You can tell that Spring is gradually creeping up the mountains, but hasn't made it to the top yet.
Anyways, remember this mountain. (called "Sharp Top." In the 2 Peaks of Otter, there's Sharp Top & Flat Top... aptly named, huh?) See those rocks at the very tip-top?

Well, here they are after an hour & a half of grueling, STEEP uphill hiking!! Whew! (you can believe my legs are feeling that one today!)

But oh the view of the Blue Ridge Mountains was SO worth it!

I did it! I climbed Sharp Top! (and the three of us even bought stickers that say so to prove it! ha!)

And Marc didn't have such a bad time himself, either...
Friday, April 24, 2009
14 at 14...
Well guys, I forgot to give you my monthly update when I turned 14 months old last weekend, so here's a few belated facts for ya:

-You guessed it from the title... tooth #14 (!!!!) is in. (most babies my age usually have around 8)
-And this mouth is trying to "talk" up a storm! (however, if you call me on the phone, I just like to listen to YOU talk & push buttons, but I might tell you "bye bye") I walk around the house jibber-jabbing to myself, and sometimes Mommy will catch me cracking myself up.
-I'm making the tough transition to one nap a day now & I sleep solidly from 7:30pm- 7:00am.

-My feet are very important to me now. See 'em? Not only can I walk REALLY well & fast, but now Aunt Sharon taught me how to STOMP really fast! I love it! I like to put on my "shhh" (shoes) and "GO GO" outside!
-Favorite book right now: Mr. Brown can Moo, Can You? by Dr. Seuss
-When I get into trouble & Mommy asks me, "Who wants you to obey Mama?" I emphatically tell her "GAAH." :)

-I LOVE to climb! I can go up steps pretty well now. I just haven't figured out how to get down. One of my favorite new things to do is to climb on top of these floor pillows and look out the window.
-I've got a bad case of separation anxiety. And it gets REALLY bad if there aren't any other kids around. Thankfully it's considered normal for my age & hopefully it'll get better by age 2, but sometimes I pitty the sitter that has to watch me! And oh, how Mommy & Daddy hate leaving me like that. I don't even like Mommy to leave the room I'm in, so I follow her EVERYWHERE around the house. I pretty much don't let her out of my sight.

-Still eating great. I added a new one to my repertoire: salad! Yum!
-However, I'm becoming a little more "choosy" about what I like & don't like, and I'll be sure to let you know what that is. Don't know why, but I'm still not crazy about green beans, folks.
-I've just gotten some red eczema patches up & down my arms & wrists that Mommy has to keep lotioned up.

-Taking things out of containers is a favorite these days... this includes dumping out everything in Mommy's purse.
-Favorite animal right now: birds. (I hear them singing outside & I like to imitate them)
-Mommy & I are so excited that RUF is winding down for the semester because we can't wait to have Daddy around the house more! Yay for summers!
-You guessed it from the title... tooth #14 (!!!!) is in. (most babies my age usually have around 8)
-And this mouth is trying to "talk" up a storm! (however, if you call me on the phone, I just like to listen to YOU talk & push buttons, but I might tell you "bye bye") I walk around the house jibber-jabbing to myself, and sometimes Mommy will catch me cracking myself up.
-I'm making the tough transition to one nap a day now & I sleep solidly from 7:30pm- 7:00am.
-My feet are very important to me now. See 'em? Not only can I walk REALLY well & fast, but now Aunt Sharon taught me how to STOMP really fast! I love it! I like to put on my "shhh" (shoes) and "GO GO" outside!
-Favorite book right now: Mr. Brown can Moo, Can You? by Dr. Seuss
-When I get into trouble & Mommy asks me, "Who wants you to obey Mama?" I emphatically tell her "GAAH." :)
-I LOVE to climb! I can go up steps pretty well now. I just haven't figured out how to get down. One of my favorite new things to do is to climb on top of these floor pillows and look out the window.
-I've got a bad case of separation anxiety. And it gets REALLY bad if there aren't any other kids around. Thankfully it's considered normal for my age & hopefully it'll get better by age 2, but sometimes I pitty the sitter that has to watch me! And oh, how Mommy & Daddy hate leaving me like that. I don't even like Mommy to leave the room I'm in, so I follow her EVERYWHERE around the house. I pretty much don't let her out of my sight.
-Still eating great. I added a new one to my repertoire: salad! Yum!
-However, I'm becoming a little more "choosy" about what I like & don't like, and I'll be sure to let you know what that is. Don't know why, but I'm still not crazy about green beans, folks.
-I've just gotten some red eczema patches up & down my arms & wrists that Mommy has to keep lotioned up.

-Taking things out of containers is a favorite these days... this includes dumping out everything in Mommy's purse.
-Favorite animal right now: birds. (I hear them singing outside & I like to imitate them)
-Mommy & I are so excited that RUF is winding down for the semester because we can't wait to have Daddy around the house more! Yay for summers!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Woohoo! Can you believe it? I got to meet Curious George today! (eat your heart out, cousin Callie!)
He was at the new Liberty University bookstore/Barnes & Noble this morning! (thanks Susan & Leah for telling us about it!)
Um, I don't know if I like him THAT much, Mommy...
Whew, okay...that's a bit better. See ya later!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
who turned out the lights?...
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
As college classes begin to wind down for the school year, it's natural for us to reflect back upon our first year in Lynchburg & what life is like NOW verses what it WAS in Lubbock. I (Amy) thought I'd give you guys a little look at some general observations we've noticed over the first year here between students we saw at Texas Tech & those we have seen thus far at Liberty. (our RUF ministry here is for all 5 universities here in Lynchburg, but with Liberty being the largest & perhaps the most unique, I'll focus my observations there...)
I'm refraining from casting judgments, as each school has positives and negatives. These observations are certainly broad-sweeping generalizations, and obviously don't apply to every student. Just thought it might help you guys get a glimpse of how we are trying to take RUF's philosophy of "FIXED THEOLOGY & FLEXIBLE METHODOLOGY" into a new situation. We have a long-term focus here, and we know that it will take us several years before we can REALLY start to know & understand this new campus/demographic. (even though Marc went to Liberty himself. Plus, since demographics change by the minute you can never really understand them!) So right or wrong, here's a few of our observations from the past year...
I'm refraining from casting judgments, as each school has positives and negatives. These observations are certainly broad-sweeping generalizations, and obviously don't apply to every student. Just thought it might help you guys get a glimpse of how we are trying to take RUF's philosophy of "FIXED THEOLOGY & FLEXIBLE METHODOLOGY" into a new situation. We have a long-term focus here, and we know that it will take us several years before we can REALLY start to know & understand this new campus/demographic. (even though Marc went to Liberty himself. Plus, since demographics change by the minute you can never really understand them!) So right or wrong, here's a few of our observations from the past year...
- Observation #1: At Texas Tech, almost EVERY student you see walking between classes is guaranteed to be talking/ texting on their cell phone or listening to their I-pod. Guaranteed. On my visit to Liberty's campus today, I didn't see ONE. Everyone I passed in the hallway seemed to be "present," (if that makes sense) even if they were walking by themselves.
- Observation #2: At Texas Tech, it was common to see students wearing pajama pants & workout clothes to class. Most students didn't care about doing their hair for class (and some didn't even shower for that matter!) :) At Liberty, it is apparent that students (both guys and girls) work VERY hard on their outward appearance, many times resembling a J. Crew catalog model.
- Observation #3: At Texas Tech, if a Christian student said an occasional curse word or saw a rated R movie, (for example) that person's faith was not questioned and they were not given reprimands by the R.A.'s in their dorm. At Liberty, if a Christian were to say a curse word in a group setting, you would be more likely to hear an audible gasp.
- Observation #4: At Texas Tech, students came mostly from Texas. Their focus was to enjoy their time in Lubbock, but upon graduation, get out of there as quickly as they could & move to the big cities: Austin, Houston, or Dallas. At Liberty, students literally come from all over the world. We have students in our ministry from California, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, China, etc. A large portion of them enjoy their time in Lynchburg so much that, upon graduation, there's nowhere else they'd rather be than in Lynchburg, so Lynchburg has a much higher population of local graduates than did Lubbock.
- Observation #5: At Texas Tech, everyone was a "Christian." (I use the quotation marks because many times it was only a profession out of their mouth) Now, that didn't mean you went to church every week. And on the weekend, alot of the "Christians" would look and act surprisingly like the non-Christians. :) Get my drift? At Liberty, everyone is also a "Christian." And all students are required to attend a convocation/chapel 3x a week, encouraged to be involved in weekly prayer groups on their hall, attend "Campus Church" with thousands of Liberty students on Sunday morning, etc. It is not unfeasible that a Liberty student would attend more than 10 Bible study/worship services in ONE WEEK. Is it surprising to you than even with all of that, many of the "Christians," especially when they move off of campus or after graduation, live & act like the non-Christians?
- Observation #6: At Texas Tech, students came from broken homes. They weren't embarrassed to tell you that their parents were divorced, or that things back home were incredibly difficult. It was okay and normal to have struggles in your life. At Liberty, many students ALSO come from broken homes, but they don't feel comfortable (for many reasons) with talking about the brokenness. When we asked a student if she had faced much suffering in her life, she answered a decisive "no, not really." About a minute later, she mentioned her dad committing adultery with numerous women. It is almost subtly implied here that struggling (in any area) = lack of faith.
- Observation #7: At Texas Tech, academia wasn't the focus. Fun was. Whether you were in a campus ministry (of which there were over 100!) or a soroity/ fraternity, you were there to enjoy. Studying came second. If some fun activity came up, students' calendar could easily be empty. At Liberty, academia isn't the focus, either. But I'm not sure fun is, either. Haven't figured this one out, but one thing is for sure-- Liberty students stay EXTREMELY busy. I'd pretty much say they thrive on it. Now, I don't know if this busy-ness is even legitimate, and I don't know what they're all so busy DOING, but so far, I've noticed they're busy.
- Observation #8: At Texas Tech, it was easier to get our students to sign up & go to conferences. And they'd take 7 HOUR road trips ONE WAY on a weekend to go to a RUF conference. Thus far, at Liberty, it has been a little more difficult to get students to commit to going to a conference. (but after you've heard 5 or more sermons this week, would YOU really want to go & hear more?)
- Observation #9: At Texas Tech, it was not the norm for us to have students interested in becoming a missionary or pastor. (I MUST blurt in here-- I believe every Christian's vocation is their " full time" Christian service... but, just making an observation). At Liberty, I am amazed at how many students want to pursue ministry, missions, and vocations that will serve other people.
- Observation #10: At Texas Tech, we served there for 7 years and had lots of time to learn the campus and the students. At Liberty, this is only our first year, so everything I've just observed very well could be wrong! :)
Monday, April 20, 2009
sleeping beauty...
Sunday, April 19, 2009
day at the lake...
Saturday, April 18, 2009
night rider...
I made it to Nanny & Papa's house in South Carolina Thursday night, (well, Friday morning actually) but would you believe I have NO recollection of how I got here... :) Once we got in around 1:00am, I decided it was PLAYTIME with Nanny & Papa until 2:00am! (much to Mommy & Daddy's dismay...)
And it has been non-stop exploration ever since...
Daddy bought a $4.99 kite & got it ready for us to fly it together...
and this was the split second it actually went in the air before it immediately took a swift nose-dive to the ground... :)
spring in sc...
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
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