Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Caroline.
And as a princess from the Commonwealth, she decided to travel South to the land of Carolina to make a royal declaration upon this, her 4th birthday.
(The voyage was made in high heels, of course...)
So Princess Caroline gathered all the princesses and princes in the land who were eager to hear her announcement.
Even the littlest princess in the land was all ears.
The Fairy Grandmother played host for this special day.
Upon her throne, Princess Caroline prepared herself for her upcoming speech.

"Dear princesses, princes, and all townspeople of the South,
Today, in the fair land of Carolina
Your royal highness, Princess Caroline of the Commonwealth, shall turn 4.
And I now declare that each of you shall be granted ONE opportunity to taste of cake and ice cream!"
(the people gasped)
"BUT, in order for this to happen, you must first sing to me with great joy.
If I am not pleased with your singing, I shall eat the cake all by myself.
But if I am entertained by your singing, I shall blow out a single candle, which shall be a sign to you that you shall eat cake!"

The townspeople were overjoyed with this news! They would get a chance to eat cake!
There was dancing in the streets!
And more dancing!
The littlest princess was delighted herself! (though she herself would not be a recipient of the cake and ice cream...)
There was great jubilation in the land. Everyone was eager for this chance to sing.
And then came the big moment.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Caroline, happy birthday to you!" they sang with great enthusiasm. The princess seemed delighted.
But was it enough? the townspeople wondered. Will she blow out the candle & let us eat cake?
YES!!!!! Let them eat cake!!!
And with that, the Fairy Grandmother quickly served all the princesses, princes, and townspeople cake and ice cream to their hearts' content.
They brought the Princess gifts to show their gratitude.
The littlest princess was so relieved and slept peacefully from then on, dreaming of the day when SHE, too, might get to sing for cake and ice cream.
And everyone lived happily ever after.