See, before he left this morning, Daddy had a talk with me about being on my best behavior for Mommy, especially after my meltdown last night...

This afternoon, Mommy talked on the phone to Megan, my birthmommy! Megan is still doing well and after a few interviews, she has a couple of options for jobs, so she feels good about that. Mommy Megan misses me alot, (of course!) but we are actually going to see her in a couple of weeks for a play-date when we go to Pop & Mamie's house in Granbury! Then, she's coming all the way out to Lubbock to see me be baptized on April 27th! Mommy & Megan laugh alot when they're on the phone together, and they both think it's amazing how God orchestrated this adoption, and it was His plan from the beginning! I sure am loved by so many people...

Tonight I had another case of the "colic"-y stuff, but not quite as bad as last night's spell. Fortunately, two of the RUF college students came over this evening to help calm me down, take me on a walk, and let Mommy have a few minutes of peace. (thank you, Jennifer & Kelly! you guys were lifesavers!) I started winding down slowly around 10:00pm & Mommy put me to bed in a deep sleep shortly thereafter. (whew!) Day #1 without Daddy: SURVIVED! (yea!)