On her first plane flight from Lubbock to Houston, we were (of course) a nervous wreck not knowing what to expect. But thank the Lord we got the sweetest flight attendent who was so helpful and took good care of us! She even gave Caroline her first pair of wings!

And the first leg..... she slept the entire way!! No problems! The only excitement was actually when we were coming in for a landing, there were strong wind sheers, so just as we were about to touch down, we had to pull back up, circle around, and try to land again! Second time was a charm! Now for the long flight from Houston to Raleigh...

And.... thumbs up! So far so good! Since there was alot of winds across the country, it made our flights more bumpy than normal, but that was PERFECT for her! She loved bouncing around with the loud hum of the engine-- she slept like a rock. We breathed a sigh of relief when the woman sitting in front of us turned around at the end of the flight and said, "Oh! I didn't even know she was there!" whew....

We couldn't have asked for a better traveler for our first go-around!
We love that you guys have this blog!! It makes us feel like we are part of her life and that we can experience these things with you. We're so glad the flight went well. Have a great time!