Friday, May 24, 2013

at 6 months...

Whereas my first baby got a blog post every month(!!) outlining her every move and milestone, leave it to the second child to maybe get one every quarter??  :)  Ahh, second borns... it's just not the same as the first.   (And that's probably both bad and good.)

As I (Amy) am still learning how it happens to parent TWO children simultaneously, I simply cannot believe it's been 6 months since Jameson came into our life.  (Where did that half a year GO?)

Here's a glimpse into what he's up to these days:

  • There is almost always something in this boy's mouth.  Fingers, a pacifier, a toy, your necklace, you name it.  He's obviously teething, but we have yet to see a tooth appear...
  • He weighs 16 lbs 3 oz (25-50%) and is 26 1/4" long (25-20%).  He's a little guy with a sweet spirit.  And he's got eyelashes to die for.

  • He finally rolled over from back to stomach!  (here is the picture of his 2nd roll ever)  AND he chose to do it while we were in Texas, right in front of all of my family.  Hmmm... maybe he just needed a bigger audience to show off to...

  • Up until now, he's been pretty unscheduled and more go-with-the-flow.  (that's probably more our doing as we've transitioned to 2 kids)  We'd let him catch little cat naps here and there, which probably contributed to more wake times during the night.  However, now Mommy and Daddy have decided it's time to close up the restaurant between the hours of midnight and 6am, if you know what I mean!  We are in Day 2 of our new "schedule," and thankfully it's going better than it did the first night... whew... I think I'd give anything right now for a solid night of uninterrupted sleep!
  • Speaking of sleep, on the new schedule he'll be down to just 2 naps a day with hopes that he'll sleep for longer periods at night.   Yesterday it worked beautifully, at least... ha!

  • But just like his schedule has been more go-with-the-flow, so is he.  We keep saying it's the Haitian in him.  He's just not real fussy or uptight, but he'll certainly let you know if he's upset.
  • He's working on solid foods.  Some days he eats really well.  On others, he's not much interested.  So far we've worked our way through all the vegetables and now it's about time for the good stuff.  :)

  • He has found his feet and they're much fun to play with!  He'll even bite on them.  
  • This boy's not a big babbler yet, but he's a HUGE laugher!  He loves to laugh, especially at his sister.  She can really get him belly laughing- it is so sweet seeing the two of them laughing together.  Big sis absolutely LOVES him and is still a big helper around our family.
  • Other things he likes?  His door jumper, being sung to, hearing you make funny noises, and making a RACKET!  He wants to take everything in his hands and bang it in whatever way will make the most noise possible.  (is this a boy thing??)
  • He also likes a good round of peek-a-boo.

  • He loves to stand on your lap and listen to you talk.  He wants to grab your nose, your mouth, hair, or anything he can touch.
  • Jameson may be little, but he's all muscle for his size!  He does well on his tummy now, and you can tell he's just dying to get moving!
  • His reflux is doing much better, too.  Very soon we will start weaning him off of the hypoallergenic formula and onto a more affordable lactose sensitive one.  (fingers crossed!)
  • He's a rather loud pooper, I must say.  And he tends to poop at inopportune times like during prayers at church, while company is here, etc.  :)

  • He recognizes his name, and he'll turn his head if you call it.  I think he also recognizes the words "clap" and "all done" (I'm sure among others).  
  • He recognizes his mommy, daddy, and sister in a crowd.
  • He has NOT, however, figured out that he's got a white mommy and daddy yet, in case any of you were wondering.  ;)  But this vanilla mommy LOOOOOVES my chocolate baby, and you know what?  He doesn't seem to mind, either.  :)

This is one special little guy.  He brings SO much joy to our family.

He's a perfect fit.

We are beyond blessed to have him.

Soon we'll be finalizing his adoption with the agency,

and his last name will legally become ours.

I can't imagine life without him.
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1 comment:

  1. And I'm soooo happy to report (the next morning) he slept soundly through the night!! Go Jameson!
