Here is the text of the service that Amy's dad performed before we all left the hospital on Wednesday:
Prayer: Heavenly Father, who formed us in your own image, we thank you for your compassion and understanding in times of sadness and letting go. In the midst of our pain and joy we gather today to declare your Sovereignty over our emotions and to give you thanks for this wonderful gift of life. We thank you for Megan who brought her into the world, and for Marc and Amy who will bring her to adulthood. And at this precipitous moment we can only thank you for your presence which binds us together in love. In Jesus’ precious name, we pray. Amen.
Scripture: Psalm 139
Reflection by Dr. Dave Barnett
"Two Great Acts of Love" by Dr. David K. Barnett
On the Occasion of an Adoption
We stand in the presence of two great acts
Of love and faith this awesome day;
One family practices self-sacrificing love
Of relinquishment for the sake of the beloved;
The other accepts the responsibility of covenant love,
To provide and care for, sight unseen,
Faith at the ready with a sense of destiny.
Two loves, united in one common experience
Of holy providence,
God shows His love,
By relinquishing his Son
To offer us the unconditional covenant of adoption.
We stand in the presence of two anxious families;
One letting go, tiptoeing on the verge of grief;
Another taking in, treading softly scores of sleepless nights,
Immersed in lifetime changes.
Kylie is Celtic for beautiful; (fyi: Megan named her Kylie for the first 2 days)
And that is what Megan has given her.
Caroline means strong and full-grown
And that is what Marc and Amy will give.
Two sides of God’s great love gather baby-side;
Easy birth, the hard labor now begins.
God watches, not from above,
But in these two great loves
Met in God’s own child.
(Megan is holding the baby in her arms at this point...)
Blessing of the Child
Lord God, Father of us all, send forth your abundant blessing on our precious baby girl, made in your image, known by you in the womb, and destined for your love and grace. We acknowledge
that she belongs ultimately to you, and each of these families has been faithful to your call and will continue to seek your will. We bless Kylie Maleah and we bless You for the miracle she truly is. Now watch over and protect her forever and ever. Amen.
Blessing of the Mother
Dear God, we look to you at this turning point in the lives of those gathered here, especially Megan as she has placed Kylie in the loving watch-care of another family. You, who know the hearts of all, know the anxiety and pain she feels today. Give her strength and courage; the strength of love like your very own to let go, the courage to live through the moments of doubt and sadness, knowing she has made the right and best decision as you have given her to know your will. Finally, Heavenly Father, help us realize that none of us truly owns our children; they are gifts from you. To some you give the privilege of conceiving and giving birth to a child, and to some you give the privilege of raising a child. Give Megan your peace and comfort her at this time with the knowledge of your unfailing love and ever-present grace, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(Megan passes the baby to us here...)
For the Adopting Parents
Father of the fatherless, you give your children a home in which to dwell; and like a loving mother you gather us into your household. We give you thanks for Caroline Elizabeth who has come to bless Marc & Amy and their extended family. We thank you for the great love you have placed in their hearts for her. By the power of your Holy Spirit continue to fill Marc and Amy with trust, understanding and affection; and, through the unforgettable events of this day, enable us better to know the mystery that we are all your children by adoption; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Final Blessing
Congratulations on this blessed new life. Wishing you many prayers and blessings as you begin this exciting journey.
ReplyDeleteLove Always,