A few days after she came home from the hospital, Megan has come down with something called Bells Palsy, which has left the entire right side of her face paralyzed. Apparently it is a condition that is common with pregnancy as well as high stress levels, but it can take up to 6 months to fully recover. She is on medication to treat it, but she has to wear an eye patch to keep her right eye shut because it won't open and close voluntarily. (it's no fun to go out in public looking like a pirate, right?) We are thankful that she seems to be in good spirits about it all, but pray that she'll recover quickly. Also continue to pray that God would grant her comfort and peace, and give her a renewed sense of strength to continue to love and care for Brayden. We'll keep you posted...
This happened to my neighbor...it's annoying, but she is back to her old self again...no signs of it even happening. I'll be praying specifically about this for Megan!!