Oh, this gal.
The love of my life. The joy of my life.
And if I'm being honest... the challenge of my life.
I'm sure every parent has to feel a bit schizophrenic, right?
One minute I can be filled with soooooo much love and patience.
And the next?
She'll say something to me or do something
that has my blood pressure feeling like it's through the roof.
I'm so beyond grateful to God for both of my amazing children.
But they also stretch me above and beyond what I had ever experienced pre-kids.
I need His grace daily, and there's nothing better than parenting to show that to you.
I want to be a great parent. Like, really great.
And yet, I fail. Over and over again.
So thankful for grace. It's humbling.
When you're five, the highs are very high, you know.
And the lows are indeed, low.
Potty humor has entered the vocabulary.
Apparently "poop" is the funniest word ever.
And it's also super funny at this age to do the things
you know you're not supposed to.
The things that your Mommy has just asked you not to do.
But the highs?
They are high!
It's fun to be a rockstar!
It's even more fun to turn your little brother into one!
These gals are rockstar best friends!
Well, until they both decide they're not friends anymore. Then ensues typical girl drama.
On a particularly rough day with each other at preschool yesterday,
they were both sent to talk to the "principal."
Hence, 50 "Be kind to Leah" 's were in order. And no sweets for the rest of the week.
Serious business, folks. :)
Thankfully, they talked to one another on the phone that afternoon,
apologized for what happened,
and quickly started making plans to be ballerinas together once more.
Oh, five years old...
But then, this gal makes our days so bright.
(with more than just the great fashion shows she gives us) :)
She fills our home with energy and music and imagination.
She leaves little love notes on my pillow at night.
And here's what she filled out about her Daddy.
(see above- if you click on the picture, it will show larger)
Did you see my favorite line?
"The best thing about my dad is: [and she wrote] I love him and he loves me."
That makes my heart sing.
But regardless of all the highs and lows...
We couldn't be more grateful that she's ours.
Ohhhhh, Caroline, We like the highs and lows. Praying for you, your Mom & Dad and for little brother, Jameson. We love you all.