Saturday, October 6, 2012

camp out...

Well, the 1st annual Backyard Camping Adventure was a... ahem, success.

(Many thanks to our friends who loaned us the tent and aero bed!  I probably won't be doing this enough to warrant buying one of these... he he)

Sure, we live 30 minutes from the mountains and all, but if you know me (Amy), let's just say I'm not quite the camping type... :)  Nevertheless, my sweet husband and daughter were SUPER excited to try it,  and it's something I've dreamed of doing for years for when I had kids someday.  (knowing that even if I don't care for it, I knew they would love it!)

So this was about as wild as I wanted to get for our first time as a family.  (and maybe from here on out..)  Because hey, if it didn't work out, my bed was still within walking distance...

Caroline was beyond excited when we set up the tent that afternoon!  The weather was perfect... not too warm during the day, and a little chilly at night.

Getting the campsite ready to go...

Let the fun begin!  We enjoyed hot dogs and smores to our hearts' content!

There really is something so peaceful and uniting about a campfire.

Talking, laughing, singing together.   You can't beat that.

Time for bed...

She was too adorable not to take a picture...

This was the view when I awoke first thing.

Well, actually THIS was.

Let's just say for me, it was a rather sleepless night.  Every little branch cracking and creature cooing kept me waking up.

But who cares?  I wouldn't trade this memory for all the sleep in the world.

I am so blessed with this little family of mine.

And I'm living some of the best days of my life.

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  1. yay! way to go! looks absolutely lovely!! and like a friend of our said to us (after returning from a camping trip repleat with sleep deprivation) "well, you don't go camping to get good sleep!" true, there are some gifts greater than good sleep :-)

  2. Caroline is looking so much older! Looks like fun! If you ever want to do a real camping trip, come out to New Mexico and we'll all go out to the wilderness together :)

  3. I love waking up to fresh air and seeing the sky! Haven't been camping in years but if you can do it, maybe there's hope for Michael camping one day! ;)

  4. The pictures make it look awesome! Maybe this backyard camping thing is the way to go...

  5. Rob S is actually me, christy, sorry!

  6. Caroline, I would love to go camping with you. Maybe soon. Love ya,
