Monday, September 14, 2009

a cruel joke...

Let's see... two parents- both sick on the couch, a toddler, and a laser pointer... need I say more?


  1. I'm crying, I'm laughing so hard! That's great!!

  2. Wow I could barely handle it! "Kiss it!" "Aaaaauh"

    "It's on the ceiling now!" "Look!" Clear as a bell! That girl's talking!!

    I hope y'all feel better very soon, but if sickness produces videos like this...

  3. It's called survival! Hope you feel better soon! I had "the crud" late last week and all weekend. It's awful! No one has time for that!

  4. Ha ha...Leah watched it with me and she kept trying to get it too...hope you guys feel better soon. Paul and I are both feeling like blahhhhh

  5. This is hilarious! I had to explain to my roommate why I was laughing so hard. I think you may have just invented another toddler's toy....
