cooking with Nanny.
and spending precious time with loved ones.
But if we're being honest, Christmas also reveals the "yuck" inside of each of us, doesn't it?
I'm not really talking about the literal "yuck" of my newborn's spit up, though even THAT is proof that there is nothing good in us! ha! (and notice he looks somewhat proud of himself, doesn't he?)
...but even at Christmas, we see the "yuck" in our own hearts. (...leave it to the pastor's kid to misbehave at church...)
One way the "yuck" in our hearts comes out at Christmas is in our insane amount of attention on gift buying and wrapping (or as Caroline spells it- "raping"), while the real meaning of Christmas-- a baby boy who was born to save His people from their sins-- lies sleeping in the background of our minds.
But that's exactly why He came! To save us from our "yuck."
When we're stressed about all the to-do's left.
When family gets under our skin.
When my four year old doesn't obey a word I'm saying for the 100th time.
When plans don't quite live up to our expectations.
When people don't respond up to our expectations.
When we get so caught up in the gifts that we can't enjoy His numerous gifts to us.
When we feel the disappointment that we didn't get enough, and find ourselves longing to have more.
When we're exhausted and weary and busy and we can't stop to take a breath from it all...
Christ was born for this. Christ was born for this.
Let us worship and adore Him.
This Christmas, our family is celebrating this precious son that He has given to us.
But more than that, we are rejoicing that there is an even greater Son that He has given to us ALL-- a Savior-- who is Christ, the Lord!
"Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given..." Isaiah 9:6
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