That's right! A week before I turn 7 months, the day has come! I am slowly, but surely, starting to drag my little body across the floor to reach for toys. I guess the official word is "scooting." Auntie calls it the army crawl. :) It's a workout, let me tell ya!
Up on my hands & knees practicing in my favorite place, my crib... my tummy is off the mattress! Can you believe it?!
I absolutely LOVE reading books now, so thank you Mamie & Auntie & all of you who beefed up my library before I was even born!
It certainly won't be long before I'm crawling! But excuse me, Mommy, I need to run. I've got a bunny that needs chewing...
awww....Caroline is starting to crawl or scoot, and her hair is growing also, she looks beautiful