Sunday, May 3, 2009

detective mommy...

One of my favorite things to do these days is to put things INSIDE of other things. So Mommy played the detective with her camera and found some traces of Caroline around the house:

...hmmmm...which of these things doesn't belong?..., I wonder how this got here...

...well, at least we got close on this one...

Oh, and in other news, it seems like I'm fighting some kind of "bug." I haven't been eating well the past several days, and yesterday I was running a 101 degree fever. Thankfully it doesn't seem to be bothering me too bad, but I stayed home from church today just in case I'm contagious. And since Mommy's already doing detective work around here anyways, she's keeping a watch on that, too...
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  1. Hope Caroline feels better soon! More teeth?

  2. AAHHHH!! Swine flu!!! Run for your lives!! It's a pandemic!!! It's out of control!!! Why doesn't the government do something???!!!!
