Wednesday, May 12, 2010

theology for toddlers...

It's amazing how much we kids can soak up, even from the time we begin talking! I've now learned the first 25 questions of the First Catechism for kids! (here was what I knew back in October & if any of you parents are interested in getting a copy, they're only $1.50 here )

Wanna hear? Well, if you can get past my apple crunching and all the "let's see Caroline's," then here ya go! :)


  1. Smart AND charming! I love the giggles and smiles! I can't believe she knows so much-- y'all have been so great to teach her these from the very beginning. I love that she's used to these mommy videos, she named everyone in the picture. haha So sweet!

  2. Hi Amy-
    My husband and I were visiting a new Community Group last night and mentioned that we were traveling to Arkansas Children's this next week to see a Pediatric Dermatologist regarding our 16 month old's hair loss. Anyway, a lady in the group mentioned to me after the fact that she read your blog and it seemed like our daughter's stories were very similar. I haven't had a chance to read through your blog, but the pictures alone look so similar to our daughter's- it's pretty crazy. Anyway, I would love to connect with you further, as we are also in the phase of trying to figure this out. If you feel comfortable contacting me, I would love to talk with you more. My email is
