Friday, April 10, 2009

500th post...

Cue the fireworks because it's our 500th blog post here at crazyforcaroline! (Sure, I've only been alive for 416 days, but hey-- this blog's called crazyforcaroline for good reason!)

Just for fun, let's take a look back at a picture from each 100's post...

1st post (& the first picture ever posted on this blog... from the adoption ceremony we had before leaving the hospital)

100th post (my baptism!)

200th post

300th post (my Gotcha Day!)

400th post (my first bow)

Let's hear it for 500! Yeah!
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  1. 500 posts times an average of 4 pictures per post = 2000 pictures! Is Blogspot complaining yet?

  2. Of course we've all enjoyed seeing our beautiful grandchild, but let's thank her mother for her great job! The photography has been wonderful and the creative themes and comments awesome. Three cheers for Caroline's chief public relations agent.
    Love, Mamie (Amy's Mom)

  3. Yea, Caroline. Let the pics continue. They are great.

    Love Y'all.

    Nanny & Papa
