Wednesday, July 23, 2008

teething, round 2?

Yep. Mommy & I think it's here in full force.
I have suddenly stopped eating well.
I have suddenly stopped sleeping well.

I try to bite down on everything I can find, but I get little relief.
I'm refusing to take some naps.
It's frustrating for me.
And hard on Mommy.
So we think it's probably my top teeth coming in, but we don't know how long it will take 'em to show up...

Ahhh, finally some sleep.... zzzzzz......zzz.....
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  1. Hang in there! On the upside, she still looks adorable... despite the pain.

  2. I'm sorry you both are going through that. It will be over before too long. Then come the other teeth. So it will be another ordeal for a while. But you will get through it. We are praying for you and her.

    Nanny & Papa

  3. We have some of that going on over here, too! Got the first one last week...
