This afternoon our family took a quick hike! I just layed back in our jogging stroller and enjoyed the bumpy ride!
Several years ago, Liberty University decided to take one of the mountains here and destroy it, uh, er, I mean, "monogram" it with their initials. ;-) (from what we've heard, this move didn't make too many friends among the locals here) But anyways, at the top of the monogram (which is made out of rocks & some bushes) is a gazebo where we went today.
We're standing at the top of the monogram here. Not a bad view for being the "ugliest" time of the year here, huh? (because even without leaves on the trees, this place is still beautiful!)
I loved being outside and getting some fresh air...
Aahhhh... this is the life.
*P.S. from Mommy: Like many other babies her age, Caroline has just started to wake up in the night crying & she's having a really hard time settling herself back down if one of us doesn't come into her room. (sometimes it's been teething/illness, but now it seems like it's become more about wanting some attention in the middle of the night, you know?) So just pray that Marc & I will know when to GO IN and when GOING IN makes it worse. Thanks!
Waking up in the middle of the night seems to be going around! Leah did that about 2 weeks ago several nights...It's no fun! I did go it and get her because I can't handle her crying like makes me cry! So far though she's doing ok and back to her usual routine!